The Aim ofthe Book. This book is concerned with the subjects of vibrations and system dynamics on an integrated basis. Design engineers find themselves confronted with demands made on machin ery, structures and dynamic systems which are increasing at such a rate that dy namic performance requirements are always rising. Hence, advances in analysis and design techniques have to keep pace with recent developments in strong lightweight materials, more extensive knowledge of materials properties and structural loading. Whereas the excitation applied to structures is always increas ing, the machine...
The Aim ofthe Book. This book is concerned with the subjects of vibrations and system dynamics on an integrated basis. Design engineers find themselve...
The Aim ofthe Book. This book is concerned with the subjects of vibrations and system dynamics on an integrated basis. Design engineers find themselves confronted with demands made on machin ery, structures and dynamic systems which are increasing at such a rate that dy namic performance requirements are always rising. Hence, advances in analysis and design techniques have to keep pace with recent developments in strong lightweight materials, more extensive knowledge of materials properties and structural loading. Whereas the excitation applied to structures is always increas ing, the machine...
The Aim ofthe Book. This book is concerned with the subjects of vibrations and system dynamics on an integrated basis. Design engineers find themselve...
Mit der neu bearbeiteten 6. Auflage des bekannten Grundlagenwerks finden Gerateentwickler und anlagenprojektierende Ingenieure Antworten auf alle wichtigen Fragen der Hydraulik. Hierfur wurde die Struktur des fachubergreifenden Nachschlagewerks grundlegend verandert. Behandeln die vorderen Kapitel die Fluidkomponenten, widmen sich die folgenden, neu konzipierten Kapitel den Fluidsystemen. Markante, konstruktive und werkstofftechnische Neuerungen kennzeichnen den Komponententeil, wahrend der Systemteil mit zunehmend mechatronischer Grundstruktur durch die Besonderheiten von...
Mit der neu bearbeiteten 6. Auflage des bekannten Grundlagenwerks finden Gerateentwickler und anlagenprojektierende Ingenieure Antworten auf alle w...