what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. there is no individual voice for the complete du fu and these murphy versions of poems into english are a paltry beginning to such a task. the poems are arranged as did erwin von zach.
what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. there is no individual voice for the complete du fu and these murphy versions...
there are two sorts of zen adept. the first is someone who sits zazen for thirty years or so and finally achieves satori. the other is the zen fool who breaks out in laughter as a young person and never looks back. satori breaks out all over. murphy came to rumi in his late middle age self and was taken back to his wild youth. the most sacred of all american indian medicines is that of the holy clown. this then is a rubaiyat of the runaway murphy meeting the remnants of rumi in the 21st century.
there are two sorts of zen adept. the first is someone who sits zazen for thirty years or so and finally achieves satori. the other is the zen fool wh...
what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. but as i said there is no individual english vloice for the complete du fu and these murphy versions of poems are a paltry beginning to such an enormous task.
what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. but as i said there is no individual english vloice for the complete du fu an...
a collection of articles first published in the international string figure association bulletin, printed here with the kind permission of the organization.
a collection of articles first published in the international string figure association bulletin, printed here with the kind permission of the organiz...
what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. but as i said there is no individual english voice for the complete du fu and these murphy versions of poems are a paltry beginning to such an enormous task.
what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. but as i said there is no individual english voice for the complete du fu and...
what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. but as i said there is no individual english voice for the complete du fu and these murphy versions of poems are a paltry beginning to such an enormous task.
what follows are not true translations, more they are reactions in kind. but as i said there is no individual english voice for the complete du fu and...