Written by one of the world's top branding gurus, and drawing on state-of-the-art research, it shows why we don't always buy things for the reasons we think we do.
Written by one of the world's top branding gurus, and drawing on state-of-the-art research, it shows why we don't always buy things for the reasons we...
The definitive book on sensory branding, shows how companies appeal to consumers' five senses to sell products. Did you know that the gratifying smell that accompanies the purchase of a new automobile actually comes from a factory-installed aerosol can containing "new car" aroma? Or that Kellogg's trademarked "crunch" is generated in sound laboratories? Or that the distinctive click of a just-opened jar of Nescafe freeze-dried coffee, as well as the aroma of the crystals, has been developed in factories over the past decades? Or that many adolescents recognize a pair of Abercrombie &...
The definitive book on sensory branding, shows how companies appeal to consumers' five senses to sell products. Did you know that the gratifying s...
How much do we know about why we buy? What truly influences our decisions in today's message-cluttered world? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a catchy slogan, an infectious jingle? Or do our buying decisions take place below the surface, so deep within our subconscious minds, we're barely aware of them? In BUYOLOGY, Lindstrom, who was voted one of Time Magazine's most influential people of 2009, presents the astonishing findings from his groundbreaking, three-year, seven-million-dollar neuromarketing study, a cutting-edge experiment that peered inside the brains of 2,000 volunteers from...
How much do we know about why we buy? What truly influences our decisions in today's message-cluttered world? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a catchy ...
Was wissen wir eigentlich wirklich darüber, warum wir kaufen, was wir kaufen? Bisher hat niemand erschlossen, was genau in unserem Gehirn passiert, wenn wir Kaufentscheidungen treffen - der Marketingguru Martin Lindstrom ändert das jetzt. In seinem Buch "Buyology", das in 25 Sprachen übersetzt wurde, präsentiert der gebürtige Däne die faszinierenden Ergebnisse seiner revolutionären Neuromarketingstudie, in der er erstmals die unmittelbare Wirkung von Marketing auf das menschliche Gehirn untersucht. Er zeigt, was selbst die raffiniertesten Unternehmen, Werbemacher und Marketer noch...
Was wissen wir eigentlich wirklich darüber, warum wir kaufen, was wir kaufen? Bisher hat niemand erschlossen, was genau in unserem Gehirn passiert, w...
Hired by the world s leading brands to find out what makes their customers tick, Martin Lindstrom spends three hundred nights a year overseas, closely observing people in their homes. His goal: to uncover their hidden desires and turn them into breakthrough products for the world s leading brands. In a world besotted by the power of Big Data, he works like a modern-day Sherlock Holmes, accumulating small clues to help solve a stunningly diverse array of challenges. Lindstrom connects the dots in this globe-trotting narrative that will fascinate not only marketers and brand managers, but...
Hired by the world s leading brands to find out what makes their customers tick, Martin Lindstrom spends three hundred nights a year overseas, clos...