The political practice of declaring victory and coming home has provided a false and dangerous domestic impression of great success for U.S. unilateral and multilateral interventions in failing and failed states around the world. The reality of such irresponsibility is that the root causes and the violent consequences of contemporary "intranational" conflict are left to smolder and reignite at a later date with the accompanying human and physical waste. This book discusses why it is incumbent on the international community and individual powers involved in dealing with the chaos of the...
The political practice of declaring victory and coming home has provided a false and dangerous domestic impression of great success for U.S. unilat...
From as early as 2000 BC, the islands of Great Britain and Ireland attracted the migrating Hebrew people. Many students of early European history have been puzzled by the persistent westward trek, as though some irresistible magnetism drove those tribes with wanderlust toward the islands of the west. It was not that they were seeking new pastures, for there were rich lands on the way. It was an inner power and their calling as God's people that compelled them to seek the islands of their destiny. In "The Islands of Destiny, " author William Walker reveals the British people's glorious...
From as early as 2000 BC, the islands of Great Britain and Ireland attracted the migrating Hebrew people. Many students of early European history have...