Think with your heart and prepare to die . . . for you have been Chosen.
Thomas Hunter, supreme commander of the Forest Guard, has seen a great evil decimate much of his beautiful world. With a dwindling army and an epic threat, Thomas is forced to supplement his fighters with new recruits ages 16 and 17. From thousands, four will be chosen to lead a special mission.
Unknown to Thomas, the chosen four are redirected to a different endgame. They must find the seven lost Books of History before the Dark One. For these seven books have immense power over the past,...
Think with your heart and prepare to die . . . for you have been Chosen.
Thomas Hunter, supreme commander of the Forest Guard, has se...
Elyon's lakes have turned blood red. Is it a curse . . . or the cure?
Shaeda has one blue eye and one purple eye. No one fully knows her story, but her mere gaze eats away at the core of one's being. In his quest for power, Johnis now finds himself in her intoxicating grip.
Assumed identities, a magic amulet, the fearsome Shataiki bats, and a troubling alliance with the Dark Priest all converge against the three remaining chosen.
Only Elyon knows what will happen when the forces of ultimate good and evil clash in their final battle. Dive deep with them in this...
Elyon's lakes have turned blood red. Is it a curse . . . or the cure?
Shaeda has one blue eye and one purple eye. No one fully knows ...
Deep in the mountains of Romania stands a fortress, and deep within that fortress lies a chamber. In that chamber, ruling the dead for over two thousand years, lives one Shataiki bat straight from the bowels of the Black Forest. He seeks the final Books of History with which he will destroy the world.
But there are four who stand in the way.
The chosen are trapped in a new world of high technology and weapons of mass destruction. In the midst of chaos, they must find the last book before the Dark One can in this epic battle...
A final quest and an ultimate betrayal.
Deep in the mountains of Romania stands a fortress, and deep within that fortress lies a chamb...
Turning his back on all that he once believed, Billos does the forbidden and enters into a Book of History. He lands in a reality as foreign to him as water is to oil--a place called Paradise, Colorado. He has strange new powers given to him courtesy of a mysterious figure known as Marsuvees Black.
The chosen four have survived the desert, escaped the Black Forest, battled the Horde, and added a spirited refugee to their number. But nothing has prepared them for the showdown that Billos, the renegade, is luring them into.
One of the chosen has gone renegade.
Turning his back on all that he once believed, Billos does the forbidden and enters into a Book ...
After being stretched to their limits, the four heroic young Forest Guard recruits--Johnis, Silvie, Billos, and Darsal--face new dangers on their mission to secure the seven lost Books of History.
Celebrated as a hero, Johnis's world is shattered when he learns that his mother may not be dead as presumed but could be living as a slave to the Horde. Throwing caution to the wind, he rushes to her rescue.
But this is precisely what the Horde has planned. Now he will face a choice between Silvie, whom he is quickly falling for, and his sworn...
From Chosen to Traitor?
After being stretched to their limits, the four heroic young Forest Guard recruits--Johnis, Silvie, Billos, a...
Separated by time and space, our heroes finally return home. But five years have passed and they find a nightmarishly changed world.
The despised Horde are now in control. The healing lakes of Elyon are now blood red. And mighty Thomas Hunter and his Forest Guard have disappeared.
Take a stand with the chosen but be wary, for not all is as it seems. Now the chosen themselves are questioning their very sanity. For the only way to win may be to lose. The only way to live may be to die. And the only one to lead may be a...
Fight the Horde . . . or die with love.
Separated by time and space, our heroes finally return home. But five years have passed and t...
As foretold by ancient prophets, an apocalypse destroyed Earth during the twenty-first century. But two thousand years later Elyon set upon the earth a new Adam. This time, however, he gave humanity an advantage. What was once unseen became seen. It was good and it was called...Green.
But the evil Teeleh bided his time in a Black Forest. Then, when least expected, a twenty-four year old named Thomas Hunter fell asleep in our world and woke up in that future Black Forest. A gateway was opened for Teeleh to ravage the land. Devastated by the ruin, Thomas Hunter and his Circle...
As foretold by ancient prophets, an apocalypse destroyed Earth during the twenty-first century. But two thousand years later Elyon set upon the ear...
De la mente de Ted Dekker: Tr3s, ahora en tapa rustica. Imagina que al contestar tu celular, escuchas una voz misteriosa que te da tres minutos para confesar tus pecados. Si no lo haces, va a hacer volar en pedazos el automovil que estas manejando. Asi empieza una pesadilla que se va desarrollando con consecuencias cada vez mas graves. Una novela imponente que trata de lo bueno, lo malo y todo lo que hay entre ambos, Tr3s es una historia de suspenso psicologico que arranca a plena velocidad y tiene al lector desbalanceado con curiosidad hasta la ultima pagina.
De la mente de Ted Dekker: Tr3s, ahora en tapa rustica. Imagina que al contestar tu celular, escuchas una voz misteriosa que te da...
Un alucinante thriller sobrenatural donde los personajes se encuentran cara a cara con el pecado Frank Peretti y Ted Dekker, dos de los escritores mas reconocidos en novelas de ficcion, han unido sus fuerzas por primera vez para crear una historia como ninguna otra que hayas leido. Entra en La casa, donde te encontraras en medio del juego mortal de un asesino en el cual la unica manera de ganar es perdiendo y la unica manera de salir es entrando. Un juego, siete jugadores, y tres reglas.
Un alucinante thriller sobrenatural donde los personajes se encuentran cara a cara con el pecado Frank Peretti y Ted Dekker, dos de los escr...
De la mente de Ted Dekker, autor de gran exito de ventas segun el New York Times, viene la pregunta: -Si usted supiera el resultado de sus decisiones, determinaria eso lo que hiciera?- Seth Borders tiene uno de los coeficientes intelectuales mas altos del mundo. Ahora de pronto es atacado por un poder increible, la habilidad de ver multiples futuros posibles, y se encuentra con Miriam, una hermosa princesa de Arabia Saudita que se ha escapado de un matrimonio forzado. Las culturas colisionan cuando Seth y Miriam son lanzados juntos y obligados a huir de fuerzas decididas a...
De la mente de Ted Dekker, autor de gran exito de ventas segun el New York Times, viene la pregunta: -Si usted supiera el resultado de sus d...