Surveys dealing with multiple observations spread over time are defined as longitudinal surveys. When one is concerned about estimates of population sub-groups in longitudinal surveys, particularly the pattern of changes at individual level as well as aggregate level over time, the techniques of small areas estimation (SAE) can possibly be employed to achieve the above goal. In this book, it has been attempted to propose methodology for estimation of population parameters in longitudinal surveys with special reference to small area and study the temporal patterns of changes in population...
Surveys dealing with multiple observations spread over time are defined as longitudinal surveys. When one is concerned about estimates of population s...
Maintaining a stable level of power quality in the distribution network is a growing challenge due to increased use of power electronics converters in domestic, commercial and industrial sectors. Power quality deterioration is manifested in increased losses; poor utilization of distribution systems; mal-operation of sensitive equipment and disturbances to nearby consumers, protective devices, and communication systems. However, as the energy-saving benefits will result in increased AC power processed through power electronics converters, there is a compelling need for improved...
Maintaining a stable level of power quality in the distribution network is a growing challenge due to increased use of power electronics converters...