"Steve Mitchells stories seem to play out in dimensions that fluidly interconnect our palpable and dreamy selves. Whether they "stroke waves of heat into [our] flesh" as in "Dandelion," or happen "when the world had darkened so deeply that only tears, and more tears, would soften it at all" as in "Wave," we often arrive at transformation without conscious knowledge of how we were transported. Mitchells storytelling is remarkable in its hypnotic rhythms, in the unique voice. Story after story in The Naming of Ghosts stays with us long after the ending. This is an impressive collection that...
"Steve Mitchells stories seem to play out in dimensions that fluidly interconnect our palpable and dreamy selves. Whether they "stroke waves of heat i...
Back for another issue, this time featuring the following stories. DOCTOR DEATH RETURNS by Steve Mitchell: Twenty years before, a sinister madman held the world at bay, using the twin powers of science and sorcery to unleash a crimson tide of murder and destruction that swept across America and Asia. Then he disappeared-leaving no clue as to his final fate. MURDER MUSEUM (featuring The Phantom Detective) by K.G. McAbee: The Phantom Detective, that nemesis of all evildoers in New York City, takes on the uncanny powers of the sinister Dr. Darkness And CRIME'S LAST STAND (starring The Masked...
Back for another issue, this time featuring the following stories. DOCTOR DEATH RETURNS by Steve Mitchell: Twenty years before, a sinister madman held...
"Years ago when my grandmother was working in the kitchen, she would say, 'So many recipes; so little thyme.'"
Now you can enjoy the challenge of solving cryptograms with the added fun of revealing original puns Mitchman's Cryptopuns, Volume 1, will satisfy the needs of any crypto-maniac. Included inside are helpful "How to Solve" and "Clue Letters" sections to help beginners get started, while each puzzle's clever play on words will keep even the most experienced cryptogram solver on his toes. Large print gives readers plenty of room to work the puzzles...
"Years ago when my grandmother was working in the kitchen, she would say, 'So many recipes; so little thyme.'"
In the 1870s, ranchers Abner Sprague, William James, and Alexander MacGregor raised cattle while the Earl of Dunraven bought land for a private hunting reserve. It was neither cows nor hunting that defined Estes Park, though. Visitors were attracted to its beauty and crystalline mountain air. Inspired by conservationist John Muir, Enos Mills preserved the area s splendor by spearheading the establishment of Rocky Mountain National Park while F.O. Stanley welcomed guests to his regal Stanley Hotel, the inspiration for Stephen King s novel The Shining. As cars replaced horses downtown, Charlie...
In the 1870s, ranchers Abner Sprague, William James, and Alexander MacGregor raised cattle while the Earl of Dunraven bought land for a private huntin...