The use of concepts borrowed from topology has led to major athances in t, heorctical physics in recent years. hl quailt, uni field theory. the pionvering work >?. Skyrme and follow ups on classical solut, ions of Yalig AIills Higgs t, heories has lead to the discovery of t, he lion peturbati e sectors of gauge theory. Topology has also found its way into colidensed matter physics. Clas sification of defects in ordered media bg 11oinotop theorg is a well known example (see e.g. Kleman and Toulouse. Les Kouches XXXV, 1980). More recent, ly. topology and condensed matter physics have again met...
The use of concepts borrowed from topology has led to major athances in t, heorctical physics in recent years. hl quailt, uni field theory. the pionve...