This workbook is designed for use with our counselor's guide, Foundations for Violence-Free Living. It forms a permanent record of the work the men have done and the progress they've made toward changing their behavior. It contains 49 worksheets that correspond to the activities described in the facilitator's guide. The language in this workbook was edited for adult learners, to be sure men of all educational backgrounds could use it.
This workbook is designed for use with our counselor's guide, Foundations for Violence-Free Living. It forms a permanent record of the work the men ha...
For 2000 years the Creator's language lay dormant; for all intents and purposes - a Dead Language, a by-word associated with the forlorn plight of a People without an identity. Miraculously, following the pattern of the death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah, this -Living Word- rises, made to live again, on the 3rd day, our day, to become the standard to which the People of the Book must return in order to seek out and identify their Deliverer The eternal stage has been set as the conflict of the ages rises to a crescendo, culminating in the greatest assault against The...
For 2000 years the Creator's language lay dormant; for all intents and purposes - a Dead Language, a by-word associated with the forlorn plight of ...