Names are important elements to handle the diversity of items in daily life - persons, objects, animals, plants, etc. Without such names, it would be difficult to attach information to such items and to communicate information about them, and names are usually used without giving them much thought. This is not different for plants. When dealing with plants, however, it soon becomes apparent that the situation is somewhat more complex. Botanists use Latin names to bring order into the vast diversity, while everyday usage resorts to vemacular or "popular" names. As practical as these vernacular...
Names are important elements to handle the diversity of items in daily life - persons, objects, animals, plants, etc. Without such names, it would be ...
The Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants represents the first comprehensive taxonomic treatment of succulents in thirty years. It covers over 9000 taxa of all succulents except Cactaceae. The volume on dicotyledonous families embraces succulents from 47 families and 161 genera, further 8 families are shortly mentioned. Thus, a total of over 2000 species and 500 infraspecific taxa are covered. The families Didiereaceae, Fouquieriaceae and Nolanaceae are treated in their entirety - Portulacaceae with nearly all species. Euphorbia, with some 700 species, is the largest genus described....
The Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants represents the first comprehensive taxonomic treatment of succulents in thirty years. It covers over 9000...
Lassen Sie sich entführen in die wundersame Welt der SukkulentenSie erfahren alles über die botanischen Grundlagen, Heimatgebiete und Lebensansprüche dieser vielfältigen Pflanzengruppe. Über 600 Farbfotos bebildern die alphabetisch sortierten Beschreibungen von über 50 Familien, 250 Gattungen und über 1000 Arten.Bestimmungsschlüssel zu den Familien und Gattungen der sukkulenten Pflanzen runden dieses umfangreiche Informationspaket ab.Neben der kompakten Einführung in die Biologie und Botanik der sukkulenten Pflanzen, bekommen Sie ausführliche Hinweise zu Pflege, Vermehrung,...
Lassen Sie sich entführen in die wundersame Welt der SukkulentenSie erfahren alles über die botanischen Grundlagen, Heimatgebiete und Lebensansprüc...
Names are important elements to handle the diversity of items in daily life - persons, objects, animals, plants, etc. Without such names, it would be difficult to attach information to such items and to communicate information about them, and names are usually used without giving them much thought. This is not different for plants. When dealing with plants, however, it soon becomes apparent that the situation is somewhat more complex. Botanists use Latin names to bring order into the vast diversity, while everyday usage resorts to vemacular or "popular" names. As practical as these vernacular...
Names are important elements to handle the diversity of items in daily life - persons, objects, animals, plants, etc. Without such names, it would be ...
The present volume covering the Crassulaceae marks the completion of the successful handbook series that presents a complete coverage of the so-called "other" succulents, i.e. of all taxa of suc culent plants with the exception of the Cactaceae. It is with pride that this volume is now put before the public. Together with its predecessors, it is the fruit of a truly international project. Not only does the present volume constitute the first complete synopsis of the large and horticulturally important family Crassulaceae published since the treatment by Berger (1930), but the handbook series...
The present volume covering the Crassulaceae marks the completion of the successful handbook series that presents a complete coverage of the so-called...
This second edition provides a comprehensive list of the latest taxonomy including the updated relevant plant data. All succulent species of the monocotyledonous plant families and genera are described in detail.This work will be particularly useful to botanists, plant taxonomists and scholars as well as to herbaria and botanic gardens.
This second edition provides a comprehensive list of the latest taxonomy including the updated relevant plant data. All succulent species of the monoc...
The succulent species of the families of subclass Rosidae are presented by alphabet of families, genera, and species, with comprehensive listings of synonyms added at all levels. Detailed descriptions are given for all accepted taxa, together with data on the distribution and typification, and references to the most important literature. Where necessary, information on ecology, ethnobotany, history, etc. is added, and in many places, proposed relationships are critically discussed.The volume covers the succulents from the families Anacardiacae, Begoniaceae, Bixaceae, Brassicaceae,...
The succulent species of the families of subclass Rosidae are presented by alphabet of families, genera, and species, with comprehensive listings of s...