Optimization Theory is becoming a more and more important mathematical as well as interdisciplinary area, especially in the interplay between mathematics and many other sciences like computer science, physics, engineering, operations research, etc. This volume gives a comprehensive introduction into the theory of (deterministic) optimization on an advanced undergraduate and graduate level. One main feature is the treatment of both continuous and discrete optimization at the same place. This allows to study the problems under different points of view, supporting a better understanding of...
Optimization Theory is becoming a more and more important mathematical as well as interdisciplinary area, especially in the interplay between mathemat...
At the heart of the topology of global optimization lies Morse Theory: The study of the behaviour of lower level sets of functions as the level varies. Roughly speaking, the topology of lower level sets only may change when passing a level which corresponds to a stationary point (or Karush-Kuhn- Tucker point). We study elements of Morse Theory, both in the unconstrained and constrained case. Special attention is paid to the degree of differentiabil- ity of the functions under consideration. The reader will become motivated to discuss the possible shapes and forms of functions that may...
At the heart of the topology of global optimization lies Morse Theory: The study of the behaviour of lower level sets of functions as the level varies...