Through this mission, I will guide each you on several trips to your deepest self in order to get back with you to identify yourselves, as they were in children. When you get there Ill be there waiting for you, just a few steps ahead of you. To show the way you return safely to the Society. Grateful
Through this mission, I will guide each you on several trips to your deepest self in order to get back with you to identify yourselves, as they were i...
The knowledge described throughout this work were acquired during the various Incarnations that the author and writer lived and witnessed, and developed over all previous experience physical as well as the latter. The proof of this is that it was written by the Spirit, as well as all of the above have been already published as assessed by experts in the field of ancient science. Concerning the World of Spirituality, with the purpose of bringing aid to the people, to be taken to wake up by themselves, and thus evolve spiritually. Grateful
The knowledge described throughout this work were acquired during the various Incarnations that the author and writer lived and witnessed, and develop...
One day I was invited to give a talk about Spirituality in a school before I accepted this generous offer as always with an open heart, and totally free of charge as always I returned to school, not as a student I was. But to explain some of my experienced knowledge that developed over several Reincarnations, and now I bring this last bare life. Grateful
One day I was invited to give a talk about Spirituality in a school before I accepted this generous offer as always with an open heart, and totally fr...
For those who still do not know me by what I write, I can only illustrate this work about the Auras, reflects a stage of my Spiritual development, and therefore do not have much regard for many years. And much less turn it into the Book. But as a result of numerous people as knead me, in watching lectures and witnessing some knowledge in practical terms to my part, for human Auras, the making known to all, for the uses in its own benefit. Grateful
For those who still do not know me by what I write, I can only illustrate this work about the Auras, reflects a stage of my Spiritual development, and...
Throughout life many people forget the correct way to feed themselves. As is known is because human evolution itself, demand often far exceed the Social gains they need and can Taking and many of them lose control of themselves. To the extent that the soft and squishy they develop the most diverse conditions over time in an Unconscious way. These are the people that this manual is directed through the remembrances contained within the application easy and effortless, with no need for any medication, or depriving yourself of foods you like, without having to make stupid and expensive diets or...
Throughout life many people forget the correct way to feed themselves. As is known is because human evolution itself, demand often far exceed the Soci...
All people are born are light in human form, and potential Christs beings or Buddha's. But few are those who visit the Plan's death, and in consequence thereof return life to tell this testimony. In this remarkable work as well as in all others, the author and writer have revealed knowledge gained not only experience but also the last in its previous Incarnations. Again it serves their own abilities to narrate the birth of a baby simply like many others, that the life that led attains full enlightenment in his lifetime, thus becoming a living Buddha. Grateful you all
All people are born are light in human form, and potential Christs beings or Buddha's. But few are those who visit the Plan's death, and in consequenc...
NINOS DE LA GUERRILLA (Ak'alab' reche le guerrilla). Es la historia que nos revela como la tranquilidad, la paz, y la armonia de las comunidades campesinas, repentinamente fue arrebatada con violencia incendiaria; al irrumpir en esas pacificas comunidades el fuego destructor del comunismo internacional. Y como esa impactante violencia vino a destruir las familias y los poblados; arrasando no solamente con los miseros valores materiales sino tambien con todos los valores familiares; hasta con la identidad, la espiritualidad y el misticismo de los pueblos mayas, con toda aquella horrible...
NINOS DE LA GUERRILLA (Ak'alab' reche le guerrilla). Es la historia que nos revela como la tranquilidad, la paz, y la armonia de las comunidades campe...
Nesta obra sera descrita como qualquer pessoa, podera pura e simplesmente desencadear um verdadeiro Milagre, tanto em si propria como para outros, sem precisar de acreditar que e necessario pertencer a alguma Religiao, ou que seja algo de outro Mundo ou ainda alguem deste que determina tais acontecimentos."
Nesta obra sera descrita como qualquer pessoa, podera pura e simplesmente desencadear um verdadeiro Milagre, tanto em si propria como para outros, sem...
Os conhecimentos descritos ao longo desta obra foram adquiridos durante as varias Reencarnacoes que o autor e escritor viveu, testemunhou e desenvolveu ao longo de todas as vivencias fisicas anteriores assim como desta ultima. A prova de tal e que foi escrita atraves do Espirito, assim como todas as anteriores ja publicadas como tem sido apreciadas por especialistas nesta area de Ciencia Milenar. Que respeita ao Mundo da Espiritualidade. Tendo como finalidade levar auxilio perante as pessoas, para serem levadas a despertarem por elas proprias, e dessa forma a evoluirem Espiritualmente....
Os conhecimentos descritos ao longo desta obra foram adquiridos durante as varias Reencarnacoes que o autor e escritor viveu, testemunhou e desenvolve...
Um dia fui convidado a dar uma palestra numa Escola acerca de Espiritualidade, perante tal oferta generosa que aceitei como sempre de coracao aberto, e de forma totalmente gratuita como sempre acontece, la voltei a Escola, nao como aluno que fui. Mas sim para explicar alguns dos meus conhecimentos vividos, que desenvolvi ao longo de varias Reencarnacoes, e que agora trago a nu nesta ultima vida. Agradecido."
Um dia fui convidado a dar uma palestra numa Escola acerca de Espiritualidade, perante tal oferta generosa que aceitei como sempre de coracao aberto, ...