In Sleeping Beauty, Lew Archer finds himself the confidant of a wealthy, violent family with a load of trouble on their hands--including an oil spill, a missing girl, a lethal dose of Nembutal, a six-figure ransom, and a stranger afloat, face down, off a private beach. Here is Ross Macdonald's masterful tale of buried memories, the consequences of arrogance, and the anguished relations between parents and their children. Riveting, gritty, tautly written, Sleeping Beauty is crime fiction at its best. If any writer can be said to have inherited the mantle of Dashiell...
In Sleeping Beauty, Lew Archer finds himself the confidant of a wealthy, violent family with a load of trouble on their hands--including an...
Burlington County, situated in the south-central region of present-day New Jersey, was established in 1694. The author has abstracted information gleaned from copies of recorded deeds maintained at the Burlington County Courthouse, in Mount Holly, New Jer
Burlington County, situated in the south-central region of present-day New Jersey, was established in 1694. The author has abstracted information glea...
Monmouth County, was formed in 1683 and is one of New Jersey's original counties. Early settlers (many of them persecuted Quakers) originated from Long Island, Barbadoes, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The author has derived these abstracts from the coun
Monmouth County, was formed in 1683 and is one of New Jersey's original counties. Early settlers (many of them persecuted Quakers) originated from Lon...
The Hightstown Gazette issued its first edition in April 1861. This weekly paper consisted of only four pages, but from those four pages one can reconstruct the history of the people, their community, and their entire state. One full page was dedicated to
The Hightstown Gazette issued its first edition in April 1861. This weekly paper consisted of only four pages, but from those four pages one can recon...
The Hightstown Gazette issued its first edition in April 1861. This paper published not only local material, but also from neighboring Middlesex, Monmouth and Burlington counties; including the deaths, marriages, and other personal items from exchanged pa
The Hightstown Gazette issued its first edition in April 1861. This paper published not only local material, but also from neighboring Middlesex, Monm...