Within the higher education sector, financial issues are seen as of increasing importance to the extent that virtually everyone in the sector requires some financial knowledge. At the same time the issues can be very varied and complex, ranging from the strategic allocation of resources at the national level down to the detailed financial management of activities at higher education departmental level. This book aims to explain the key issues in finance and management in higher education. It is a professional guide that is authoritative and comprehensive enough for professional...
Within the higher education sector, financial issues are seen as of increasing importance to the extent that virtually everyone in the sector requires...
Full of tried and tested case material, examples and useful illustrations, this book considers the latest developments and covers all levels of financial management from the structure of the management of institutions right down to the course level and managing budgets.
Full of tried and tested case material, examples and useful illustrations, this book considers the latest developments and covers all levels of financ...
The authors suggest that some of the problems of the public sector are self-inflicted and that current policies may only deliver partial success 'at a price we cannot afford'. It proposes a radical alternative and discusses practical ways it could be implemented. It also explores the threats and opportunities that such an approach might face.
The authors suggest that some of the problems of the public sector are self-inflicted and that current policies may only deliver partial success 'at a...
Management accounting education has long revolved around large-scale traditional manufacturing industries. We know that this is no longer the operating environment for many businesses and yet many textbooks have not undergone the changes that these organisations have. Management Accounting in the Contemporary Business World recognises the changes that have taken place, such as the shift from manufacturing to services, globalization and the increased role of technology, and addresses the issue of how management accounting should be undertaken in modern operating environments. The book provides...
Management accounting education has long revolved around large-scale traditional manufacturing industries. We know that this is no longer the operatin...