Pat Martino made his debut as a guitar leader at age 22. In 1980, he underwent surgery as the result of a nearly fatal brain aneurysm which left him without any memory of the guitar or his musical career. From that point, Martino undertook the long process of recovery, eventually learning how to play the guitar again. This work tells his story.
Pat Martino made his debut as a guitar leader at age 22. In 1980, he underwent surgery as the result of a nearly fatal brain aneurysm which left him w...
(Stylistic Method). Legendary guitarist Pat Martino shares his personal formula for chord conversions with you. This uniquely simple system allows you to think melody, not theory. Amply illustrated with some of Pat's favorite lines.
(Stylistic Method). Legendary guitarist Pat Martino shares his personal formula for chord conversions with you. This uniquely simple system allows you...