In the eagerly anticipated sequel to Harlem's Dragon, Detective Chemah Rivers unravels an intriguing case with a most beguiling witness. A single father who juggles the daily pressures of work and home life, Detective Chemah Rivers is assigned to crack a challenging case. To make matters more complicated, his only witness is a buxom, blind comedienne, Michelle. As any David Rivera, Jr., fan knows, his stories are filled with suspense, love triangles, and steamy love affairs. The Street Sweeper won't disappoint, as Detective Rivers believes Michelle is his lost...
In the eagerly anticipated sequel to Harlem's Dragon, Detective Chemah Rivers unravels an intriguing case with a most beguiling witness.
Chemah Rivers is back in an all-new erotic roller coaster of a story -- the final book in a captivating trilogy filled with mystery and heart-stopping drama. There are stories within the Bible that have hidden, erotic depths that have never been revealed. Now, Playing in the Dark follows a unique and creative storyline that begins with a Biblical myth and develops into the revelation of a modern-day murder mystery, starring Chemah Rivers. When a serial killer is suspected for a string of deaths, the murders are assigned to investigator Chemah Rivers, who quickly...
Chemah Rivers is back in an all-new erotic roller coaster of a story -- the final book in a captivating trilogy filled with mystery and heart-stopp...