In recent years there has been a tremendous increase in our understanding of the functioning of the cell at the molecular level. This has been achieved in the main by the invention and development of new methodology, parti- larly in that area generally referred to as "genetic en- neering." While this revolution has been taking place in the field of nucleic acids research, the protein chemist has at the same time developed fresh methodology to keep pace with the requirements of present day molecular bi- ogy. Today's molecular biologist can no longer be content with being an expert in one...
In recent years there has been a tremendous increase in our understanding of the functioning of the cell at the molecular level. This has been achieve...
Compilation of 5 of the best short stories submitted to the Halifax EMS Short Story Contest in 2008. Each story has a connection to the emergency services or health care. The contest and book sales support the needs of a tiny rescue service in mountains of Southern Vermont.
Compilation of 5 of the best short stories submitted to the Halifax EMS Short Story Contest in 2008. Each story has a connection to the emergency serv...
This volume contains the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Biology of Brain Tumour. The first Symposium was held in 1979 at Gardonne Riviera, Italy. This meeting was planned in order to coincide with the lOOth Anniversary of the first reported operation for glioma in London on November 25, 1884. Since the first meeting, the field of neuro-oncology has made remarkable progress in understanding both basic and clinical factors of significance to patients with brain tumor. While the earlier meeting dealt to a large extent with clinically oriented studies, this symposium was...
This volume contains the proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Biology of Brain Tumour. The first Symposium was held in 1979 at Gardonn...