Information technology auditing and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance have several overlapping characteristics. They both require ethical accounting practices, focused auditing activities, a functioning system of internal control, and a close watch by the board s audit committee and CEO. Written as a contribution to the accounting and auditing professions as well as to IT practitioners, IT Auditing and Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance: Key Strategies for Business Improvement links these two key business strategies and explains how to perform IT auditing in a comprehensive and strategic...
Information technology auditing and Sarbanes-Oxley compliance have several overlapping characteristics. They both require ethical accounting practi...
The credit and banking crisis which hit the western world in 2007/2008 has and will continue to have far-reaching after-effects. At their core are Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) and Credit Default Swaos (CDSs), the main themes of this book.
The credit and banking crisis which hit the western world in 2007/2008 has and will continue to have far-reaching after-effects. At their core are Col...
In order to achieve long-term profitability and assure survival for their companies, managers must be informed, imaginative, and capable of adapting to shifting circumstances. Practical decisions rather than theories hold the upper ground. Business, Marketing, and Management Principles for IT and Engineering supplies the understanding required to effectively manage an organization in an increasingly competitive global market.
Using case studies, the book illustrates the principles, policies, and management practices used by some of the most...
In order to achieve long-term profitability and assure survival for their companies, managers must be informed, imaginative, and capable of adaptin...
Education, employment policy, and pensions are inextricably linked and critical to any sort of business or economic revival, let alone success, and all three are addressed in Education and Employment in the European Union. In the first part of this meticulously researched and highly informative book, Dimitris Chorafas argues that European educational standards, from primary schools through to universities, leave much to be desired. The author then turns to employment. Already affected by problems with education, employment is fettered by structural issues, ranging from inflexible labour laws...
Education, employment policy, and pensions are inextricably linked and critical to any sort of business or economic revival, let alone success, and al...
Restructuring the balance sheets of Western governments, banks and households is an important issue in the recovery after the recent crisis. Chorafas' latest book focuses on sovereign debt, sovereign risk and the developing economic and financial business climate and explains why the year of the big crisis may fall in the middle of this decade.
Restructuring the balance sheets of Western governments, banks and households is an important issue in the recovery after the recent crisis. Chorafas'...
Every generation leaves both assets and liabilities to the next. Alert people can see we are going to leave our children and grandchildren with a nearly unsolvable test of energy supplies; waste polluting the air and water; and the appalling problem of a huge and uncontrollable explosion in world population. Energy, Environment, Natural Resources and Business Competitiveness addresses itself to those having a professional, academic or general interest in these issues: - Energy sources, their nature and contribution, - Environmental problems associated to power production and usage, -...
Every generation leaves both assets and liabilities to the next. Alert people can see we are going to leave our children and grandchildren with a near...
The banking industry extensively lobbied against Basel III and governments have been keen to delay its full implementation. Chorafas' latest book takes a well-rounded approach on Basel III's strengths and weaknesses and explains how, without deep restructuring of the global banking industry, (like Basel II) Basel III will fail.
The banking industry extensively lobbied against Basel III and governments have been keen to delay its full implementation. Chorafas' latest book take...
Quality control is a constant priority in electrical, mechanical, aeronautical, and nuclear engineering - as well as in the vast domain of electronics, from home appliances to computers and telecommunications. Quality Control Applications provides guidance and valuable insight into quality control policies; their methods, their implementation, constant observation and associated technical audits.
What has previously been a mostly mathematical topic is translated here for engineers concerned with the practical implementation of quality control. Once the fundamentals of quality...
Quality control is a constant priority in electrical, mechanical, aeronautical, and nuclear engineering - as well as in the vast domain of electron...
5.2 Organisation und Vorbereitung auf Geschaftsstellenniveau . . . . . . . . . 89 . . 5.3 Durch Elektronik von Arbeitsstunden zu -sekunden ..............
The drama of the common currency is a hot topic. The Euro was planned for the European Union's member states, bringing economically strong nations like Germany and Holland and weaker nations like Greece, Spain and Italy under one set of currency rules. A dozen years of its implementation has shown that the planning was incomplete at best. Add to this the weight of a deepening debt crisis among western nations, which continues unabated, and Europe has a very deep financial hole to climb out of. In this work, Dimitris N. Chorafas provides the reader with evidence to poor political judgment,...
The drama of the common currency is a hot topic. The Euro was planned for the European Union's member states, bringing economically strong nations lik...