The entrance of women into managerial positions in significant numbers brings work and family issues to center stage, shifting the spotlight from issues of entry and equality of access to the consideration of the work-family conflicts and the difficulties posed on female managers. Looking at new approaches to enhance the work-family interface individually and in the firm, "Work and Family: An International Research Perspective: " *provides an overview on the antecedents of work-family conflict and the major consequences of work-family conflict, for well-being, productivity, and the...
The entrance of women into managerial positions in significant numbers brings work and family issues to center stage, shifting the spotlight from issu...
Packed with case studies, exercises, discussion questions and other learning features 'Organizational Behaviour' prepares students for the difficult but necessary task of managing behaviour in the workplace.
Packed with case studies, exercises, discussion questions and other learning features 'Organizational Behaviour' prepares students for the difficult b...
Based on a sweeping, ten country study, The Work-Family Interface in Global Context comprises the most comprehensive and rigorous cross-cultural study of the work-family interface to date. Just as work-family conflict is associated with negative consequences for workers, organizations, and societies, so too can the work and family domains interact positively to enhance or enrich one another. Drawing on qualitative, quantitative, and policy-based data, chapters in this collection explore the influence of culture on the work-family interface in order to help researchers and managers...
Based on a sweeping, ten country study, The Work-Family Interface in Global Context comprises the most comprehensive and rigorous cross-cult...
Based on a sweeping, ten country study, The Work-Family Interface in Global Context comprises the most comprehensive and rigorous cross-cultural study of the work-family interface to date. Just as work-family conflict is associated with negative consequences for workers, organizations, and societies, so too can the work and family domains interact positively to enhance or enrich one another. Drawing on qualitative, quantitative, and policy-based data, chapters in this collection explore the influence of culture on the work-family interface in order to help researchers and managers...
Based on a sweeping, ten country study, The Work-Family Interface in Global Context comprises the most comprehensive and rigorous cross-cult...
Kulturler Arasi Baglamda Orgutler ve Yonetim, insan kaynaklari yonetimi, orgutsel davranis ve kulturler arasi yonetimle ilgili temel unsurlari bir araya getiriyor. Liderlik, takim calismasi, motivasyon, iletisim, catisma yonetimi, calisan tutumlari, is-hayat dengesi, insan kaynaklari yonetimi, performans yonetimi, etik yonetim, kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk, orgutsel yapi ve degisim alanlarindaki temel teorik yaklasimlari tartisiyor. Zeynep Aycan, Rabindra N. Kanungo ve Manuel Mendonca bu konularin her birini kultur baglaminda ve kulturler arasi baglamda ele alarak alana iliskin temel terimleri...
Kulturler Arasi Baglamda Orgutler ve Yonetim, insan kaynaklari yonetimi, orgutsel davranis ve kulturler arasi yonetimle ilgili temel unsurlari bir ara...