In the mid 1960s, when a single chip contained an average of 50 transistors, Gordon Moore observed that integrated circuits were doubling in complexity every year. In an in?uential article published by Electronics Magazine in 1965, Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the next 10 years. Despite being criticized for its "unrealistic optimism," Moore's prediction has remained valid for far longer than even he imagined: today, chips built using state-- the-art techniques typically contain several million transistors. The advances in fabrication technology that have supported...
In the mid 1960s, when a single chip contained an average of 50 transistors, Gordon Moore observed that integrated circuits were doubling in complexit...
Focusing on the potential use in biotechnology of microorganisms that seem perfectly content in temperatures that would fry most of life as we know it, reviews aspects of ecology and isolation, taxonomy, physiology and metabolism, molecular biology and genetics, and cell structure of the Thermus str
Focusing on the potential use in biotechnology of microorganisms that seem perfectly content in temperatures that would fry most of life as we know it...
There is considerable interest in thermophile microorganisms, in their environments, their ability to survive at temperatures which normally denature proteins, but more importantly, as a valuable resource for bio- technology. The first reported isolation of Thermus by Tom Brock was in 1969. This initiated the present era of thermophilic research with the realization that where liquid water is available, there may be no limits to the temper- ature at which microorganisms can grow. Considerable research into the ecology, physiology, metabolism, and thermostable enzymes of thermo- philes has led...
There is considerable interest in thermophile microorganisms, in their environments, their ability to survive at temperatures which normally denature ...
The follow-up to the award-winning "Crystal Ships," "Wandering Barques" traces the legacy of the traumatic '60s well into the '70s and '80s.
Twin sisters, just toddlers when their father dies in the Vietnam War, are coming of age in the mid-seventies. They each attempt to compensate for his loss in their own way, and their styles of coping could not be more different. The first strives to forget the past and live in the present, while the second seeks to understand those earlier years and obsesses about the loss of her uncle's girlfriend, a dancer who was tragically killed ten years...
The follow-up to the award-winning "Crystal Ships," "Wandering Barques" traces the legacy of the traumatic '60s well into the '70s and '80s.