The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption and high-frequency operation. The situation is becoming even more complicated by the fact that many transfer functions have to be tunable or controllable. A promising approach to facing these challenges is given by the class of dynamic translinear circuits, which are, as a consequence, receiving increasing interest. Several different names are used in literature: log-domain, exponential state-space, current-mode companding,...
The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption ...
This book discusses the design of neural stimulator systems which are used for the treatment of a wide variety of brain disorders such as Parkinson s, depression and tinnitus. Whereas many existing books treating neural stimulation focus on one particular design aspect, such as the electrical design of the stimulator, this book uses a multidisciplinary approach: by combining the fields of neuroscience, electrophysiology and electrical engineering a thorough understanding of the complete neural stimulation chain is created (from the stimulation IC down to the neural cell). This...
This book discusses the design of neural stimulator systems which are used for the treatment of a wide variety of brain disorders such as Parkinson...