After the first edition of this book was published, I received much positive feedback from the readers. It was very helpful to have all those comments sug- gesting improvements and corrections. In many cases, it was suggested that more aspects on quantum information would be welcome. Unfortunately, I am afraid that an attempt to cover such a broad area as quantum informa- tion theory would make this book too scattered to be helpful for educational purposes. On the other hand, ladmit that some aspects of quantum information should be discussed. The first edition already contained the so-called...
After the first edition of this book was published, I received much positive feedback from the readers. It was very helpful to have all those comments...
After the first edition of this book was published, I received much positive feedback from the readers. It was very helpful to have all those comments sug- gesting improvements and corrections. In many cases, it was suggested that more aspects on quantum information would be welcome. Unfortunately, I am afraid that an attempt to cover such a broad area as quantum informa- tion theory would make this book too scattered to be helpful for educational purposes. On the other hand, ladmit that some aspects of quantum information should be discussed. The first edition already contained the so-called...
After the first edition of this book was published, I received much positive feedback from the readers. It was very helpful to have all those comments...