The key to the success of a company is its ability to co-ordinate the key supply chain - in other words, the company's key suppliers and the suppliers' suppliers. This volume looks specifically at the supply chain in the food and drink industry. It offers an understanding of the subject, its growing importance, and where it is likely to be in the future. Issues covered include: new food processes and GM foods; volume catering and JIT (Just In Time); relationships between companies and with stakeholders and responsibilities to these groups; and the future of the food and drink supply chain and...
The key to the success of a company is its ability to co-ordinate the key supply chain - in other words, the company's key suppliers and the suppliers...
Food and wine are vital components of the tourism experience, and are increasingly being seen as prime travel motivators in their own right. This volume offers insight into this phenomenon, looking at the interrelationship between food, the tourism product and the tourist experience on a global scale.
Food and wine are vital components of the tourism experience, and are increasingly being seen as prime travel motivators in their own right. This volu...