This highly topical book brings together some of the world's leading specialists on the global car industry who discuss the ins and outs of the faster lane of regionalism at a time that the world is reassessing the ins and outs of globalization. It provides a thorough and up-dated mapping of the worldwide geography of the car industry, in the triad regions (Europe, North America and Japan), and in the emerging countries and regions.
This highly topical book brings together some of the world's leading specialists on the global car industry who discuss the ins and outs of the faster...
Cet essai propose une approche interdisciplinaire de l innovation, nourrie par les recherches et les debats recents et croisant les logiques spatiales et les trajectoires complexes de l innovation. Pour l economie de l innovation, dans son acception globale, il s agit ainsi d articuler synchronie et diachronie dans l etude des enjeux des societes contemporaines en depassant les cadres disciplinaires classiques. Les six auteurs economiste, historiens, sociologue et geographes presentent une etude croisee des trajectoires de l innovation, focalisee sur les espaces et les dynamiques de la...
Cet essai propose une approche interdisciplinaire de l innovation, nourrie par les recherches et les debats recents et croisant les logiques spatiales...
The authors have put together a fascinating narrative of the creation process of one of the most successful example of frugal engineering in recent years. They bring out insightful details of what managerial, organizational and technological pathways were taken to come up with a disruptive innovation that has the potential to change the entry-le
The authors have put together a fascinating narrative of the creation process of one of the most successful example of frugal engineering in recent ye...