The Seven Checkpoints for Student Leaders is more than a book; it is a ministry plan. It goes far beyond the "how to" of youth ministry and provides youth ministers, youth works, and parents with the content that students need to equip them for 'life beyond youth group." The material in this book and the companion book The Seven Checkpoints Student Journal reveals what Stanley calls "the irreducible minimum"--the essential principles upon which an entire youth ministry can be built. Stanley and Hall offer some unorthodox but very sensible approaches to planning and maintaining a...
The Seven Checkpoints for Student Leaders is more than a book; it is a ministry plan. It goes far beyond the "how to" of youth ministry and pro...
Nos desgastamos tratando de convertirnos en el mas inteligente, el mas grande, el centro de atencion. Pero el libro mas reciente del comunicador dinamico, Louie Giglio, vuelve a darle la perspectiva correcta al exito. Cuando Juan el bautista dijo que el deberia menguar para que Cristo creciera, estaba expresando el secreto para una libertad asombrosa... y descanso increible. Este libro te ensenara el significado y la riqueza de llevar un estilo de vida haciendose pequeno. Libre de las preocupaciones que antes te ahorcaban, irradiaras el poder de Dios que es todo lo que tu no eres No soy,...
Nos desgastamos tratando de convertirnos en el mas inteligente, el mas grande, el centro de atencion. Pero el libro mas reciente del comunicador dinam...
Key messages by today's leading Christian voices on what it means to possess a passion for Jesus Christ
What exactly is it that instills passion in a person's soul? What brings the fire to make a difference, the desire for significance, the power to live a life that matters? And who will lead us in this quest toward the future of the Church? In this remarkable book, some of today's most gifted communicators highlight the dedicated generation that is rising up to show us how to lean toward the centrality of Jesus Christ and His bright light of glory that brings purpose to our own...
Key messages by today's leading Christian voices on what it means to possess a passion for Jesus Christ
Most believers understand that worship is not a compartmentalized aspect of the Christian experience, but rather it is the motivation--the driving force--behind all that we do and are. We exist to worship God. For years we have been basking in God's love and worshipping Him with uplifted hands and hearts. Now we need to go deeper and see that God is also an awesome, mysterious being who should engender our silent, even dumbstruck, reverence for His holiness, His -otherness.- Until we are undone by the knowledge of who God is in all His glory, we will only touch the edges of true worship. Matt...
Most believers understand that worship is not a compartmentalized aspect of the Christian experience, but rather it is the motivation--the driving for...
From the time we are born, relationships are constantly shaping who we are and how we engage with the world around us. Beginning with how we see ourselves, we develop a view of God and others that impacts the way we relate to our parents, navigate friendships, dating relationships and marriage.
Relat(able) looks at relationships the way God intended them to be. Because He has gone to extraordinary lengths to relate to us, we have the potential to build incredible relationships with one another. Embracing God's love and receiving His grace changes the way we relate to him,...
From the time we are born, relationships are constantly shaping who we are and how we engage with the world around us. Beginning with how we see ou...
From the time we are born, relationships are constantly shaping who we are and how we engage with the world around us. Beginning with how we see ourselves, we develop a view of God and others that impacts the way we relate to our parents, navigate friendships, dating relationships and marriage.
Relat(able) looks at relationships the way God intended them to be. Because He has gone to extraordinary lengths to relate to us, we have the potential to build incredible relationships with one another. Embracing God's love and receiving His grace changes the way we relate to him,...
From the time we are born, relationships are constantly shaping who we are and how we engage with the world around us. Beginning with how we see ou...
Feeling like you've blown it? Reached the point of no return? That your life hasn't gone as planned? If so, you are not alone. We all know what it feels like to have life disappoint us and not work out as we'd hoped. We all know what it's like to long for something different, something better, and something more.
Drawing on his own experiences and pivotal Bible stories, author Louie Giglio shows how God is all about comebacks. Samson had blown it repeatedly; nevertheless, he experiences tremendous triumph at the end of his life. The prodigal son, as Jesus describes him,...
Feeling like you've blown it? Reached the point of no return? That your life hasn't gone as planned? If so, you are not alone. We all know what it ...
It's likely you have a threatening giant in your adversary or stronghold that's diminishing your ability to live a full and free life. Frozen in the grip of rejection, fear, anger, comfort, or addiction, we lose sight of the promise God has for our lives. Demoralized and defeated, we settle for far less than his best.
God has a better plan for you, a plan for you to live in victory. That's why he has silenced your giant once and for...
We all know what it feels like to have life disappoint us and not work out as we'd hoped. We all know what it's like to long for something different, something better, something more.
The Comeback celebrates new beginnings. It offers encouragement and perspective, and it's for you if you feel frustrated or confused, if you're sorrowing or in pain, if you've made mistakes or are grieving, if you're disappointed or feel as though life doesn't make sense.
The good news is that God is in the business of...
Have you ever longed for a comeback?
We all know what it feels like to have life disappoint us and not work out as we'd hope...
Discover the Wonders of the Universe with the Creator
It's impossible to out-imagine God. He orchestrates time, creates light, and speaks things into existence--from the largest stars to the smallest starfish. God is a powerful, purposeful, personal, unparalleled Creator.
Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what his hands have made."
Indescribable displays the majesty of creation with scientific findings, photography, and original illustrations. These 100 devotions encourage awe at God's creativity with an in-depth...
Discover the Wonders of the Universe with the Creator
It's impossible to out-imagine God. He orchestrates time, creates light, and s...