Starting with Volume 30, 1965, Structure Reports is produced in a new format by photo-offset printing from typed manuscript with unjustified lines. At the time when the decision for this change was taken, the cost of setting the manuscript in type was becoming so high as to render the cost of individual subscription pro- hibitive. At that time automatic typing methods giving justified lines, etc. for photo-offset reproduction did not offer any saving over type setting, but hand typing of the manuscripts could give a considerable saving in production costs. In the belief that a publication...
Starting with Volume 30, 1965, Structure Reports is produced in a new format by photo-offset printing from typed manuscript with unjustified lines. At...
In the past the aim of Structure Reports has been to present critical reports on all work of crystallographic structural interest, whether it is derived directly from X-ray, electron, or neutron diffraction, or even indirectly from other experiments. The reports were in- tended to be critical and not mere abstracts, except in some cases when a brief indication of the content of a paper of related interest was included in the form of an abstract. In selecting topics for reporting, the criterion 'of structural interest' was freely interpreted in terms of what was topically interesting. However,...
In the past the aim of Structure Reports has been to present critical reports on all work of crystallographic structural interest, whether it is deriv...
Starting with Volume 30, 1965, Structure Reports is produced in a new format by photo-offset printing from typed manuscript with unjustified lines. At the time when the decision for this change was taken, the cost of setting the manuscript in type was becoming so high as to render the cost of individual subscription pro hibitive. At that time automatie typing methods giving justified lines, etc. for photo-offset reproduction did not offer any saving over type setting, but hand typing of the manuscripts could give a considerable saving in production costs. In the belief that a publication that...
Starting with Volume 30, 1965, Structure Reports is produced in a new format by photo-offset printing from typed manuscript with unjustified lines. At...
The present volume continues the aim of Structure Reports to present critical accounts of all crystallographic structure determip. ations. The increase in the number of crystal structure papers (now about 2000 per year in the Organic Section) has prompted a minor change in format, which increases the information density per page, hopefully without any loss of clarity. Details of the arrangement in the volumes, symbols used etc. are given in previous volumes (e. g. 41 B or 42A, pages vi-viii). J. TROTTER University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada 14 September 1978 [VI] STRUCTURE REPORTS...
The present volume continues the aim of Structure Reports to present critical accounts of all crystallographic structure determip. ations. The increas...
The present volume continues the aim of Structure Reports to present critical accounts of all crystallographic structure determinations. Details of the arrangement in the volumes, symbols used etc. are given in previous volumes (e.g. 41B or 42A, pages vi-viii). University of Guelph, G. FERGUSON Guelph, Ontario, Canada 4 February, 1984 [VI] STRUCTURE REPORTS SECTION I METALS Edited by L. D. Calvert (National Research Council of Canada) with the assistance 0/ 1. K. Byron J. R. Rodgers [1] 2 ARRANGEMENT As in previous volurnes the arrangement in the Metals section is approximately, but not...
The present volume continues the aim of Structure Reports to present critical accounts of all crystallographic structure determinations. Details of th...