Magical Acts, Hypercubes and Pi is a collection of short essays on a variety of science, medical and mathematical topics that Science Writer Beverly Orndorff wrote during his nearly 40-year tenure with the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The topics range from luck, chance and coincidence to some still deep mysteries of life and the universe. They include discussions of the fourth dimension, pi and such quirky, topics as why toast falls jelly side down on the floor. Also discussed are such tidbits as how Mozart once heard a starling whistle part of a composition he just finished, and how researchers...
Magical Acts, Hypercubes and Pi is a collection of short essays on a variety of science, medical and mathematical topics that Science Writer Beverly O...
"George Gamow: The Whimsical Mind Behind the Big Bang" details the life and scientific contributions of an influential and colorful 20th century scientist. George Gamow (1904-1968), a fun-loving Russian-born American physicist, was a science polymath who laid the foundation for the modern version of the Big Bang theory and led two colleagues to propose that the dying energy from that event should still pervade the cosmos. That signature of the Big Bang was indeed detected some years later, confirming that the universe had a definite beginning, on a "day without a yesterday," as one pioneer...
"George Gamow: The Whimsical Mind Behind the Big Bang" details the life and scientific contributions of an influential and colorful 20th century scien...