This is the first comprehensive presentation of the quantum non-linear sigma-models. The original papers consider in detail geometrical properties and renormalization of a generic non-linear sigma-model, illustrated by explicit multi-loop calculations in perturbation theory.
This is the first comprehensive presentation of the quantum non-linear sigma-models. The original papers consider in detail geometrical properties ...
Conformal field theory is an elegant and powerful theory in the field of high energy physics and statistics. In fact, it can be said to be one of the greatest achievements in the development of this field. Presented in two dimensions, this book is designed for students who already have a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics, field theory and general relativity. The main idea used throughout the book is that conformal symmetry causes both classical and quantum integrability. Instead of concentrating on the numerous applications of the theory, the author puts forward a discussion of the general...
Conformal field theory is an elegant and powerful theory in the field of high energy physics and statistics. In fact, it can be said to be one of the ...