'Et moi...* Ii j'avait su CClIIIIIIaIt CD 1'CVCDir, ODe scmcc matbcmatK:s bas I'CIIdcRd !be je D', semis paiDt ~. humaD mcc. It bas put common sease bact Jules Vcmc 'WIIcR it bdoDp, 011 !be topmost sbdl JlCXt 10 !be dully c:uista' t.bdlcd 'cIiIc:arded DOlI- The series is diverpt; therefore we may be sense'. Eric T. BcII able 10 do sometbiD& with it O. Heavilide Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly ncceuary tool in a world where both feedback and non- 1inearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple...
'Et moi...* Ii j'avait su CClIIIIIIaIt CD 1'CVCDir, ODe scmcc matbcmatK:s bas I'CIIdcRd !be je D', semis paiDt ~. humaD mcc. It bas put common sease b...