Europeans fought two World Wars for the nationalism but achieved nothing except to commemmorate the D- Day. The madness of wars made no sense to the masses and the leaders moved the theatre of wars to Islamic world to sustain ignorance, pride and greed. Discarding the history and to impose the PNAC agenda and fear of Peak Oil problem, President Bush spearheaded the War on Terrorism to control the oil riched Arabs. The Thinking People of the globe call it a bogus war framed on WMD lies and Islamic threat. America used the Huntingtons theory of the clash of civlizations to forge the...
Europeans fought two World Wars for the nationalism but achieved nothing except to commemmorate the D- Day. The madness of wars made no sense...
The book challenges the treacherous illusions of the Neocons notions of "Islamic extremism," "Islamofascism," and "terrorism" marketed by the US led terrorism of wars. The author and his family were the first targeted victims in Canada under the ferocity of the global war on terror. Imagine your family corralled at gunpoint and imprisoned under the false pretext of "terrorism." The war gratifying the aims of the Project for a New American Century victimized Arabs and Muslims with multiple agendas: to use suspicion as law, arrest and torture Arabs- Muslims intellectuals, perpetuate...
The book challenges the treacherous illusions of the Neocons notions of "Islamic extremism," "Islamofascism," and "terrorism" marketed by the US l...