"The Fighter Pilot Who Refused To Die, The Authorized Biography of The Lt. Col. (Ret) Richard Suehr." This is the story of a fighter pilot who crashed his plane twice during combat missions in World War ll. In his first crash at Brisbane, Australia he was lost in the jungle for ten days. Alone in the jungle, he survived an alligator attack, avoided death by wild buffaloes, and slept in tree tops. He stayed alive by eating wild fruits and vegetation before crews from a passing train rescued him. Two years later in the Philippines Islands, his P-38 fighter plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean...
"The Fighter Pilot Who Refused To Die, The Authorized Biography of The Lt. Col. (Ret) Richard Suehr." This is the story of a fighter pilot who crashed...
"The Fighter Pilot Who Refused To Die, The Authorized Biography of The Lt. Col. (Ret) Richard Suehr." This is the story of a fighter pilot who crashed his plane twice during combat missions in World War ll. In his first crash at Brisbane, Australia he was lost in the jungle for ten days. Alone in the jungle, he survived an alligator attack, avoided death by wild buffaloes, and slept in tree tops. He stayed alive by eating wild fruits and vegetation before crews from a passing train rescued him. Two years later in the Philippines Islands, his P-38 fighter plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean...
"The Fighter Pilot Who Refused To Die, The Authorized Biography of The Lt. Col. (Ret) Richard Suehr." This is the story of a fighter pilot who crashed...