Heroine Anna Rogers is desperately trying to get the murder case of her childhood friend reopened, not knowing the murderer is following her every move. The novel is set in the small fictional Midwest town of Arbor, Ohio. Anna is an established photographer in town, and through a series of tragic life events, she struggles with her inner demons. After the murders mysteriously stopped ten years ago, they have picked up again in this sleepy college town and are identical to those of earlier years. Changing Seasons follows Anna on a daring journey, determined to find the serial murderer of...
Heroine Anna Rogers is desperately trying to get the murder case of her childhood friend reopened, not knowing the murderer is following her every ...
Heroine Anna Rogers is desperately trying to get the murder case of her childhood friend reopened, not knowing the murderer is following her every move. The novel is set in the small fictional Midwest town of Arbor, Ohio. Anna is an established photographer in town, and through a series of tragic life events, she struggles with her inner demons. After the murders mysteriously stopped ten years ago, they have picked up again in this sleepy college town and are identical to those of earlier years. Changing Seasons follows Anna on a daring journey, determined to find the serial murderer of...
Heroine Anna Rogers is desperately trying to get the murder case of her childhood friend reopened, not knowing the murderer is following her every ...