Bei der Erstellung eines Bauwerkes konnen Architekten und Bauingenieure auf gewachsene Erfahrungen im Bereich der Planung, Bemessung und Bauausflih rung zuruckgreifen. 1m Gegensatz dazu existieren bis heutc noch keine inte grierten Planungsinstrumente bzw. kaum objektive Planungsgrundlagen, die es ermoglichen, umweltliche Aspekte von Anfang an in die Entscheidungsfindung bei der Bauwerksplanung einflie&en zu lassen. Okobilanzen stellen heute ein t1tabliertes und standardisiertes Verfahren zur um weltlichen Bewertung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen dar. In der Vergan genheit wurden...
Bei der Erstellung eines Bauwerkes konnen Architekten und Bauingenieure auf gewachsene Erfahrungen im Bereich der Planung, Bemessung und Bauausflih ru...
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the environment arising from their production and applications. Volume 11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers - always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -...
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both ...
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both their potentials and on the impact on the environment arising from their production and applications. Volume 11 "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks I: General and Environmental Aspects" is dedicated to the basics of the engineering of polymers - always with a view to possible environmental implications. Topics include: materials, processing, designing, surfaces, the utilization phase, recycling, and depositing. Volume 12 "Polymers -...
Since their first industrial use polymers have gained a tremendous success. The two volumes of "Polymers - Opportunities and Risks" elaborate on both ...