The story begins in June 2223 when a space ship from a distant planet lands on earth. It is a world of swirling winds, excessive temperatures, and constant storms. The crew soon discovers that the arid earth has spawned horrible worms that roam the globe. There are no humans to be found! A tape is discovered which describes the attempts of three brave people of 2100 to save the earth from the effects of global warming and the devastation of nuclear war. Alex and Rebekka, a robot, plan to return to the world of 2003 to influence a noted environmental scientist, Dr. Peter O Day, to alter his...
The story begins in June 2223 when a space ship from a distant planet lands on earth. It is a world of swirling winds, excessive temperatures, and con...
Boots & Bows go to the forest looking for a large Christmas tree. They find a magical talking cedar and talking animals who explain to the children that the tree is their home, so they can't take it away. The tree promises Boots & Bows that they could still have a Christmas tree in the forest. The animals decorate the cedar with pinecones, icicles, a star brought down from the sky by an eagle and colorful birds and it becomes the most beautiful live Christmas tree they ever saw. This is a lesson about nature and conservation.
Boots & Bows go to the forest looking for a large Christmas tree. They find a magical talking cedar and talking animals who explain to the children th...
ABOUT THE STORY: Winnie LoPinto wrote "Go Home Little Fifinella" as a young woman after returning from Texas in 1944 from her training as a WASP (Women's Airforce Service Pilots). She had great dreams of becoming a pilot then and that is why she volunteered to serve at the risk of her own life with the WASP, just for the chance to fly. Her biographical account of her experiences as a WASP trainee in Sweetwater Texas is full of the language and favor of the time. Her lively style allow us relive those times along with her. The exhilaration and the adventure of youth and the disappointments...
ABOUT THE STORY: Winnie LoPinto wrote "Go Home Little Fifinella" as a young woman after returning from Texas in 1944 from her training as a WASP (Wome...