Larkin A. Yandell has been peeking over God's shoulder for a very long time. Just as a small child stretches and strains to see what his father is doing at his workbench, Pastor Yandell has delighted in watching God at work. This book is a compilation of articles my father wrote over a period of several years. They first appeared in the Demaree Church's newsletter and they describe incidents that occurred at various periods of his pastoral ministry. Some are chronicles of triumphant works of God. A couple record tragic events rooted in the unbelief of man. All of them, however, provide...
Larkin A. Yandell has been peeking over God's shoulder for a very long time. Just as a small child stretches and strains to see what his father is doi...
Jonathan reveals the ugliness of MS while highlighting the determination and grace in which he navigated life. By far, Jonathan has given us more than the disease has taken from him. He has taught me a lot as a colleague and now as an author. Through these pages, you will get vicarious peeks into some "behind the scenes" rawness, not for pity but to reveal handiwork of God on imperfect lives. While reading about Jonathan, this story will encourage you in life's obstacles and give you a glimpse at God's perspective.
Jonathan reveals the ugliness of MS while highlighting the determination and grace in which he navigated life. By far, Jonathan has given us more than...