While most people in the world are descendants of migrants, not everyone is conscious of the migration patterns of their ancestors. The goals and motives for moving or staying are changing, diverse, and often difficult to specify. As a result of 19th-century residentialist social and political theories, many scholars generally assume that migration is a pattern of behavior that deviates from the norm and requires a specific motive or reason. This study details the variety of changing historical patterns of migrant behavior by examining migration patterns over 1500 years in Europe and...
While most people in the world are descendants of migrants, not everyone is conscious of the migration patterns of their ancestors. The goals and m...
Kleinschmidt approaches the western European middle ages as a modern anthropologist would approach analysis of a remote culture. His objectives have something in common with Le Goff, as he seeks to identify with medieval society and culture without the encumbrance of later historical attitudes. This radical study traces the transformation of ideas in western Europe during more than one thousand years between the fifth and sixteenth centuries. Its central concern is to interpret and understand changing attitudes towards time, space, the human body, human and social relationships, productivity...
Kleinschmidt approaches the western European middle ages as a modern anthropologist would approach analysis of a remote culture. His objectives have s...
Die Untersuchung fuhrt uber drei Schritte. Im ersten Schritt beschreibt der Autor die Verbindung der postulierten Gleichheit der Souverane mit der Volkerrechtssubjektivitat der Belligerenten nach den bis gegen 1800 vorliegenden Volkerrechtstheorien. Im zweiten Schritt werden die Wandlungen dieser Theorien wahrend des 19. und fruhen 20.Jahrhunderts dargelegt, die die Aberkennung der Volkerrechtssubjektivitat und der souveranen Staatlichkeit der Opfer von Kolonialherrschaft durch die europaischen Kolonialregierungen und die Regierung der USA begrunden sollten. Im dritten Schritt folgt die...
Die Untersuchung fuhrt uber drei Schritte. Im ersten Schritt beschreibt der Autor die Verbindung der postulierten Gleichheit der Souverane mit der ...