There is an ever increasing trend towards putting entire systems on a single chip. This means that analog circuits will have to coexist on the same substrate along with massive digital systems. Since technologies are optimized with these digital systems in mind, designers will have to make do with standard CMOS processes in the years to come. We address analog filter design from this perspective. Filters form important blocks in applications ranging from computer disc-drive chips to radio transceivers. In this book, we develop the theory and techniques necessary for the implementation of high...
There is an ever increasing trend towards putting entire systems on a single chip. This means that analog circuits will have to coexist on the same su...
There is an ever increasing trend towards putting entire systems on a single chip. This means that analog circuits will have to coexist on the same substrate along with massive digital systems. Since technologies are optimized with these digital systems in mind, designers will have to make do with standard CMOS processes in the years to come. We address analog filter design from this perspective. Filters form important blocks in applications ranging from computer disc-drive chips to radio transceivers. In this book, we develop the theory and techniques necessary for the implementation of high...
There is an ever increasing trend towards putting entire systems on a single chip. This means that analog circuits will have to coexist on the same su...