Around 392 Theodore of Mopsuestia delivered his homilies to candidates for baptism. Using Theodore's homilies, this work studies the reception and influence of the Nicene Creed in the imperial church since Theodosius. Passed at Nicaea in 325 the Creed became an official dogma of the empire in 380/81. What was its role in the life of the church and in the theological controversies of the subsequent years? At which point did the people start to pay attention to its exact original wording? To which extent were Theodore's theological teachings influenced by the trinitarian dogma of Nicaea? The...
Around 392 Theodore of Mopsuestia delivered his homilies to candidates for baptism. Using Theodore's homilies, this work studies the reception and inf...
Human Blood Plasma Proteins gives an overview of the proteins found in human blood plasma, with special emphasis on their structure and function and relationship to pathological states and disease. Topics covered include:
introduction to blood components and blood plasma proteins
blood plasma protein domains, motifs and repeats
blood plasma protein families and posttranslational modifications
blood coagulation and fibrinolysis
the complement system
the immune system
Human Blood Plasma Proteins gives an overview of the proteins found in human blood plasma, with special emphasis on their structure and functio...
Friedrich Schleiermacher Andreas Arndt Simon Gerber
Der Band enthalt den Briefwechsel Schleiermachers von seinem Amtsantritt als auerordentlicher Professor der Theologie und Philosophie an der Hallenser Universitat im Oktober 1804 bis zum Ende des Wintersemesters 1805/06. In seinen Vorlesungen legte Schleiermacher in dieser Zeit den Grund seines theologischen Systems und seiner philosophischen Ethik. Die Entwicklung seiner wissenschaftlichen Auffassungen spiegelt sich in den Briefen des vorliegenden Bandes. Daneben sind die Briefwechsel mit den Altphilologen Heindorf und Spalding in Berlin zur Platon-Ubersetzung und mit dem Verleger Georg...
Der Band enthalt den Briefwechsel Schleiermachers von seinem Amtsantritt als auerordentlicher Professor der Theologie und Philosophie an der Hallen...