"This admirable text provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of physical chemistry including quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics/thermodynamics. The presentation assists the students in developing an intuitive understanding of the subjects as well as skill in quantitative manipulations. Particularly exciting is the treatment of larger molecular systems. With a firm but gentle hand, the student is led to several organized molecular assemblies including supramolecular systems and models of the origin of life. By learning of some of the most productive areas of current chemical...
"This admirable text provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals of physical chemistry including quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics/therm...
Eine der faszinierendsten Erkenntnisse im Bemtihen urn ein Verstandnis der Naturvor gange ist die Feststellung, da/3 stoffliche Prozesse als Veranderungen in Molektilanhau fungen beschrieben werden konnen und da/3 das Zustandekommen der Molekiile aus Elementarteilchen bei Zugrundelegung weniger Postulate verstanden werden kann. Diese Tatsache einsiehtig zu machen, erscheint uns daher als ein Hauptanliegen eines einftihrenden Lehrbuchs der physikalischen Chemie. Wir mochten zu einem Verstand nis fUr das stoffliche Geschehen auf molekularer Grundlage hinfUhren, also eine kon krete Vorstellung...
Eine der faszinierendsten Erkenntnisse im Bemtihen urn ein Verstandnis der Naturvor gange ist die Feststellung, da/3 stoffliche Prozesse als Veranderu...
In an attempt to understand the origin of living systems we encounter the following problems: a) How can we conceive the origin of the first self-reproducing forms, and by means of what stimuli could commence a constant increase in the complexity of such forms? b) How can a translation apparatus for genetic information develop? One cannot imagine that such an apparatus for the synthesis of en zymes can function alone without the interference of enzymes them selves, which, however, could only become available after the construc tion of the apparatus itself. c) What stimulus mechanism is...
In an attempt to understand the origin of living systems we encounter the following problems: a) How can we conceive the origin of the first self-repr...