In the field of epistemology, naturalism holds that there are no a priori norms for guiding our belief-formation: we must start our inquiries in situ, assuming some beliefs and the general reliability of our basic cognitive practices to justify others. Naturalized epistemology seeks to motivate norms for cognitive enquiry on such a naturalistic basis. The author argues that, whilst naturalism must be embraced, this more abmitious project is in vain: to the extent one can justify naturalistic norms, they are not needed for optimal rational belief-formation.
In the field of epistemology, naturalism holds that there are no a priori norms for guiding our belief-formation: we must start our inquiries in situ,...
Co-published with the Institute of Communication Agencies
Every few years, business is galvanized by a new concept. Accountability is the latest idea in the spotlight. It's a huge topic, and in the broadest sense embraces ethics, corporate governance, and all the issues spawned by the recent spate of business scandals. Vulcans, Earthlings and Marketing ROI deals with a more pragmatic aspect: the accountability behind the question "Are our investments in marketing and advertising sensible and successful, short and long term, from a business point of view?"
Co-published with the Institute of Communication Agencies
Every few years, business is galvanized by a new concept. Accountability...