Passage to Dusk deals with the Lebanese civil war of the 1970s in a postmodern, poetic style. The narrative focuses on the deranged, destabilized, confused, and hyper-perceptive state of mind created by living on the scene through a lengthy war. The story is filled with details that transcend the willed narcissism of the main character, while giving clues to the culture of the time. It is excellent fiction, written in a surrealistic mode, but faithful to the characters of the people of Lebanon, their behavior during the war, and their contradictions. Issues of gender and...
Passage to Dusk deals with the Lebanese civil war of the 1970s in a postmodern, poetic style. The narrative focuses on the deranged, d...
Zwei Männer auf einem Diwan: Das Austauschprogramm "West-östlicher Diwan" bringt Schriftsteller aus Deutschland und der arabischen Welt paarweise zusammen, um durch ihr Kennenlernen dem vielbeschworenen Kampf der Kulturen entgegenzuwirken. Joachim Helfer und Rashid al-Daif haben die Aufforderung zum Gespräch ernstgenommen. So entstand ein verblüffendes Buch: Der libanesische Autor schreibt ein Protokoll, dessen Gegenstand sein deutscher Kollege ist und zwar als Privatperson. Er kommentiert dessen gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensweise, beschreibt Ansichten zu Sexualität, Liebe und Moral, die...
Zwei Männer auf einem Diwan: Das Austauschprogramm "West-östlicher Diwan" bringt Schriftsteller aus Deutschland und der arabischen Welt paarweise zu...
Rashid al-Daif's provocative novel Who's Afraid of Meryl Streep? takes an intimate look at the life of a recently married Lebanese man. Rashoud and his wife struggle as they work to negotiate not only their personal differences but also rapidly changing attitudes toward sex and marriage in Lebanese culture. As their fragile bond disintegrates, Rashoud finds television playing a more prominent role in his life; his wife uses the presence of a television at her parents' house as an excuse to spend time away from her new home. Rashoud purchases a television in the hopes of luring...
Rashid al-Daif's provocative novel Who's Afraid of Meryl Streep? takes an intimate look at the life of a recently married Lebanese man...
In 2003, Lebanese writer Rashid al-Daif spent several weeks in Germany as part of the "West-East Divan" program, a cultural exchange effort meant to improve mutual awareness of German and Middle Eastern cultures. He was paired with German author Joachim Helfer, who then returned the visit to al-Daif in Lebanon. Following their time together, al-Daif published in Arabic a literary reportage of his encounter with Helfer in which he focuses on the German writer's homosexuality. His frank observations have been variously read as trenchant, naive, or offensive. In response, Helfer provided an...
In 2003, Lebanese writer Rashid al-Daif spent several weeks in Germany as part of the "West-East Divan" program, a cultural exchange effort meant t...