Isaiah Part 2 - "Comfort For His People" - Precepts for Life Study Guide for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. Even as Isaiah warned about the awful consequences of sin, he also delivered God's message of consolation. Study how the Holy God will ultimately humiliate sin and exalt justice and righteousness. Explore the hope of the coming Messiah, His universal kingdom, justice and restoration
Isaiah Part 2 - "Comfort For His People" - Precepts for Life Study Guide for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. Even as Isaiah warned abou...
Isaiah Part 2 - "Comfort For His People" - Precepts for Life Study Companion for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. Even as Isaiah warned about the awful consequences of sin, he also delivered God's message of consolation. Study how the Holy God will ultimately humiliate sin and exalt justice and righteousness. Explore the hope of the coming Messiah, His universal kingdom, justice and restoration
Isaiah Part 2 - "Comfort For His People" - Precepts for Life Study Companion for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. Even as Isaiah warned ...
Desde tiempos antiguos, el ayuno ha sido considerado un elemento esencial para acercarse a Dios. Pero esta disciplina espiritual involucra mucho mas que abstenerse de comida; va hasta el fondo de la fe genuina. A traves de este vigorizante estudio, obtendras un claro entendimiento de los principios detras de esta practica y seras equipado para hacer del ayuno una parte esencial de tu relacion con Dios. Since ancient times, fasting has been considered an essential means of drawing near to God. But this spiritual discipline involves much more than abstaining from food; it goes right to the...
Desde tiempos antiguos, el ayuno ha sido considerado un elemento esencial para acercarse a Dios. Pero esta disciplina espiritual involucra mucho mas q...
Kay Arthur's top selling Lord, Teach Me to Pray in 28 Days and Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days (more than 700,000 combined copies sold) direct Christians toward greater communication with God and exploration of His Word. Now she and respected teacher and leader David Arthur lead a journey to a deeper commitment to and relationship with Christ.Readers new to faith or longtime believers will discover how to:
turn to God with praise, petitions, and thanksgiving
learn to be still to discern His leading
study the Bible and apply its truths to daily...
Kay Arthur's top selling Lord, Teach Me to Pray in 28 Days and Lord, Teach Me to Study the Bible in 28 Days (more than 700,000 combined copies sold) d...
Mientras los lectores descubren las respuestas biblicas a preguntas dificiles acerca del perdon, tambien descubriran como el escoger perdonar los libera del dolor del pasado y los impulsa a ser todo lo que Dios quiere que sean. Las instrucciones para los lideres se dan al inicio de cada libro. As they uncover biblical answers to the difficult questions of forgiveness, readers will discover how choosing forgiveness can free them from a painful past and propel them toward being all God intends them to be. Instructions for leaders are given at the beginning of the book.
Mientras los lectores descubren las respuestas biblicas a preguntas dificiles acerca del perdon, tambien descubriran como el escoger perdonar los libe...