This sequel to the best-selling anthology contains contemporary plays by some of the world's most important writers. All are perfect for classes and showcases.
After You. Steven Dietz. 1m, 1f 3886] American Welcome. Brian Friel. 1m 3702] Arizona Anniversaries. John Bishop. 1m, 2f 3705] Bed and Breakfast. Richard Dresser. 2m, 3f 3949] Confession. Conrad Bishop and Elizabeth Fuller. 2m, 1f. 5810] Eukiah. Lanford Wilson. 2m 7090] Eye to Eye. Chris Graybill. 2m, 1f 7130] Goblins Plot to Murder God. Mark O'Donnell. 2-6 m or f 9930] Going Nowhere Apace. Glen Merzer. 1m, 3f ...
This sequel to the best-selling anthology contains contemporary plays by some of the world's most important writers. All are perfect for classes and s...