This bold and visionary new book calls monks, priests and nuns to rediscover their heritage as prophetic witnesses. Challenging the watered-down sense of prophecy in the present day, he ignites us to return to the scriptures as the center of religious life. Only prophetic life grounded in Jesus Christ can nourish and give direction to attempts at social change and reformation.
This bold and visionary new book calls monks, priests and nuns to rediscover their heritage as prophetic witnesses. Challenging the watered-down sense...
"Solanus Casey would never have considered himself a mystic but, paradoxically, his very insights about atheism point to his being so. Furthermore, he was not only a mystic, but a mystic in action: one who combined in himself the contemplative and active dimensions of the God-experience in such a way that he became a Christ-figure for many people."--From Chapter Nine Appointed by the Vatican as the "External Collaborator to the Relator" for the cause of canonization of Capuchin Father Solanus Casey, the first man born in the United States to be declared "Venerable" by the Catholic...
"Solanus Casey would never have considered himself a mystic but, paradoxically, his very insights about atheism point to his being so. Furthermore, he...