The papers in this voluriic were presented at the CHYP'I'O 'SS conf- ence on theory and applications of cryptography, Iicld August 21-2, j. 19SS in Sarita Uarbara, ('alifornia. The conference was sponsored hy the Int- national AssociatioIi for C'ryptologic Research (IAC'R) and hosted by the computer science depart incnt at the llniversity of California at Sarita D- ha ra . 'rile 4-1 papers presented hcrc coniprise: 35 papers selected from 61 - tcwded abstracts subniittctl in response to the call for papcrs, 1 invitcd prv sentations, and 6 papers sclccted from a large niiiii1, cr of informal...
The papers in this voluriic were presented at the CHYP'I'O 'SS conf- ence on theory and applications of cryptography, Iicld August 21-2, j. 19SS in Sa...