Elements of Linear Algebra presents a thorough discussion of systems of linear equations and their solutions. Vectors and matrices are introduced as needed and an account of determinants is given. Great emphasis has been placed on keeping the presentation as simple as possible, with many illustrative examples. While all mathematical assertions are proved, the student is led to view the mathematical content intuitively, as an aid to understanding.
Elements of Linear Algebra presents a thorough discussion of systems of linear equations and their solutions. Vectors and matrices are introduced as n...
R. S. Govindaraju A. Ramachandra Rao Ramachandra A. Rao
R. S. GOVINDARAJU and ARAMACHANDRA RAO School of Civil Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, IN., USA Background and Motivation The basic notion of artificial neural networks (ANNs), as we understand them today, was perhaps first formalized by McCulloch and Pitts (1943) in their model of an artificial neuron. Research in this field remained somewhat dormant in the early years, perhaps because of the limited capabilities of this method and because there was no clear indication of its potential uses. However, interest in this area picked up momentum in a dramatic fashion with the works...
R. S. GOVINDARAJU and ARAMACHANDRA RAO School of Civil Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, IN., USA Background and Motivation The basic noti...
After five decades, the field of Statistical Hydrology continues to evolve and remains a very active area of investigation. Researchers continue to examine various distributions, methods of estimation of parameters, and problems related to regionalization. However, much of this research appears in journals and reports and usually in a form not easily accessible to practitioners and students-producing a gap between research and practice. Flood Frequency Analysis fills this gap by presenting many of these distributions and estimation procedures in a unified format within a single,...
After five decades, the field of Statistical Hydrology continues to evolve and remains a very active area of investigation. Researchers continue to ex...
Conventionally, time series have been studied either in the time domain or the frequency domain. The representation of a signal in the time domain is localized in time, i.e . the value of the signal at each instant in time is well defined . However, the time representation of a signal is poorly localized in frequency, i.e. little information about the frequency content of the signal at a certain frequency can be known by looking at the signal in the time domain . On the other hand, the representation of a signal in the frequency domain is well localized in frequency, but is poorly localized...
Conventionally, time series have been studied either in the time domain or the frequency domain. The representation of a signal in the time domain is ...
Design of water control structures, reservoir management, economic evaluation of flood protection projects, land use planning and management, flood insurance assessment, and other projects rely on knowledge of magnitude and frequency of floods. Often, estimation of floods is not easy because of lack of flood records at the target sites. Regional flood frequency analysis (RFFA) alleviates this problem by utilizing flood records pooled from other watersheds, which are similar to the watershed of the target site in flood characteristics.
Clustering techniques are used to identify...
Design of water control structures, reservoir management, economic evaluation of flood protection projects, land use planning and management, flood...
Suraj Bandyopadhyay A. Ramachandra Rao Bikas K. Sinha
Written by a sociologist, a graph theorist, and a statistician, this title provides social network analysts and students with a solid statistical foundation from which to analyze network data. Clearly demonstrates how graph-theoretic and statistical techniques can be employed to study some important parameters of global social networks. The authors uses real life village-level social networks to illustrate the practicalities, potentials, and constraints of social network analysis ("SNA"). They also offer relevant sampling and inferential aspects of the techniques while dealing with...
Written by a sociologist, a graph theorist, and a statistician, this title provides social network analysts and students with a solid statistical f...