This book is an attempt to present the chief events in the last campaign of Sir John Moore. Enough of Sir John Moore's life, and of life in England, France, and Spain to explain those events has been included. In several instances, perhaps important instances, accounts of events as given here differ from what may be found elsewhere. In such cases the documents upon which the present narrative is based have been indicated. The list of those to whom I am indebted is a long one. The staff of the Public Record Office have been unfailingly helpful, pleasant, and ef ficient on the many occasions...
This book is an attempt to present the chief events in the last campaign of Sir John Moore. Enough of Sir John Moore's life, and of life in England, F...
IN the following pages an attempt has been made to give the essential facts of the history of the Elsevier family, and to show the relations of the printers to the world around them. Printing and publishing history is sometimes written as personal reminiscence, as aesthetic or technical criticism, or as a guide for book collectors. There is something to be said for treating it as a phase of economic or social history, and this treatment has been attempted here. There are difficulties inherent in the task which are not at first apparent. Printers are in touch on the one hand with the world of...
IN the following pages an attempt has been made to give the essential facts of the history of the Elsevier family, and to show the relations of the pr...