The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) devoted its 1997-1998 program to Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems. Dynamical systems theory and related numerical algorithms provide powerful tools for studying the solution behavior of differential equations and mappings. In the past 25 years computational methods have been developed for calculating fixed points, limit cycles, and bifurcation points. A remaining challenge is to develop robust methods for calculating more complicated objects, such as higher- codimension bifurcations of fixed points, periodic orbits, and...
The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) devoted its 1997-1998 program to Emerging Applications of Dynamical Systems. Dynamical system...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications NUMERICAL METHODS FOR BIFURCATION PROBLEMS AND LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS is based on the combined proceedings of two workshops devoted to compu- tational issues. The workshops were an integral part of the 1997-98 IMA program on "EMERGING APPLICATIONS OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS." I would like to thank Donald G. Aronson, University of Minnesota (Mathematics); Wolf-Juergen Beyn, Universitaet Bielefeld (Fakultaet fuer Mathematik); Eusebius Doedel, California Institute of Technology (Applied Mathematics); Bernold Fiedler, Free University of Berlin...
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications NUMERICAL METHODS FOR BIFURCATION PROBLEMS AND LARGE-SCALE DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS is based on the combi...