Document Syntax Xl I. DATABASE DESIGN 1. Relational Databases 317 2. Choice of Database Management System 318 3. Design of the Global Paleomagnetic Database 319 3. 1. ORACLE Design 319 3. 2. Compact Database - ABASE 321 4. Aspects of Data Entry 326 II. ORACLE HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 1. Sytem Hardware and Software Recommendation for ORACLE 328 1. 1. For a Fully IBM Compatible Personal Computer (PC) 328 1. 2. For an Apple Macintosh PC 329 1. 3. Recommendations 330 2. ORACLE RDBMS Software Used By the GPMDB 331 2. 1. A Brief Description of the ORACLE RDBMS 331 2. 2. SQL *Plus under MS-DOS 333 2....
Document Syntax Xl I. DATABASE DESIGN 1. Relational Databases 317 2. Choice of Database Management System 318 3. Design of the Global Paleomagnetic Da...
Document Syntax Xl I. DATABASE DESIGN 1. Relational Databases 317 2. Choice of Database Management System 318 3. Design of the Global Paleomagnetic Database 319 3. 1. ORACLE Design 319 3. 2. Compact Database - ABASE 321 4. Aspects of Data Entry 326 II. ORACLE HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE 1. Sytem Hardware and Software Recommendation for ORACLE 328 1. 1. For a Fully IBM Compatible Personal Computer (PC) 328 1. 2. For an Apple Macintosh PC 329 1. 3. Recommendations 330 2. ORACLE RDBMS Software Used By the GPMDB 331 2. 1. A Brief Description of the ORACLE RDBMS 331 2. 2. SQL *Plus under MS-DOS 333 2....
Document Syntax Xl I. DATABASE DESIGN 1. Relational Databases 317 2. Choice of Database Management System 318 3. Design of the Global Paleomagnetic Da...