R. J. MOREAU, Professor MADYLAM, Inst. Nat. Poly technique de Grenoble, France The material on which the foundryman 1S focus1ng his attent10n 1S a molten metal, ferrous or not, coming from the melt1ng equipment, Wh1Ch is to be del1vered into a mould where it w1ll solidify. The foundryman 1S the last person 1n th1S process who still has the poss1b1l1 ty of acting to control the quality of the casting. Indeed, most of the respons1bil1ty 1n th1S quality bus1ness is vested 1n him. Bes1des, as anyone involved 1n metals processing, he 1S engaged 1n the ongoing effort to achieve the highest...
R. J. MOREAU, Professor MADYLAM, Inst. Nat. Poly technique de Grenoble, France The material on which the foundryman 1S focus1ng his attent10n 1S a mol...